Channel: Canada – ARMONIA MAGAZINE – USA
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Bring Pastor Andy Olariu and Family from Canada


unnamedPetiție privind readucerea in SUA a pastorului Andy Olariu, cetatean canadian, caruia nu i se mai permite (re) intrarea in SUA. 


Bring Pastor Andy Olariu and Family from Canada

I am petitioning for my pastor at my church. Our church has been without a pastor for over six months. By the grace of God our church has been able to stay strong in the Lord and continue to stay strong in faith. Our petition is to allow our pastor and his family to be able to pastor efficiently without any restrictions of any kind. Pastor Andy’s case has been going on long enough.  We need our voices heard and we need some action taken by our representatives in power. Please help Pastor Andy and family unite once again with Ekklesia Church in Phoenix AZ.



Pastorul Andy Olariu  a fost (și “este”) pastorul  bisericii Ekklesia din Phoenix- Arizona, iar petiția le aparține și e dorința lor, de a fi susținuți în Rugăciune și prin semnarea acestui demers legal de mijlocire.




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